If you are not selling online,
is it important to be on the Web?

Many people research their shopping and look for store locations online -- even if they're going to buy offline. It's easier and faster than driving to local stores to research products.

There's one hitch. If you cannot be found, they may find your competitors instead. And your competitor looks "in step" by having a website.

Creating "Customer Trust"

A website also helps to create a certain "customer comfort level" ... it creates a reality that your company exists, and therefore brings them closer to a level of trust in you and your company.

It can also give your customers pertinent information about your company, and your services and products, which brings you a step closer to sales.

Now, you can, and likely should, do this through your local Yellow Pages -- but websites allow you to present much more information than a small ad.

Websites are available 24/7, and there's a real benefit in being able to "sell" your products, services or ideas to anyone with an Internet connection at any hour, without having to man the phones 24/7.

The only real "downside" is that it costs to put up a website.

How much does a website cost?

We've been marketing since the 1980's, and know what it costs and how much effort it takes to promote and advertise. Interestingly, while you do have to invest in the design and development of your website, we think you may discover that the overall cost of websites is lower than traditional methods -- and that what you get for your advertising dollar is much more. This is doubly so for e-commerce websites. Compare:

  • printed material is expensive both to create and to mail —
    and the recipient may toss it out in seconds
  • the cost of magazine and newspaper ads can be astronomical
  • television is out of this world.

After the initial outlay, a website, with the exception of your Internet connection and some hosting fees, can be there promoting for you day and night virtually forever. These ongoing fees usually amount to a few hundred dollars a year.

Get one that is professional-looking, attracts search engine traffic, is clear, logical and easy to use, and helps your customers to help you.

And that's the bottom line -- you're helping your customers to check out your products, find out about your company, and buy or obtain ways to contact you ... 24/7.

Your website speaks for you when you are not there to speak for yourself.

How much is that worth?

Call for a free consultation and quote

Contact us by email or by telephone in Sparks, Nevada (next to Reno). We'll be happy to discuss your website needs and give you a quote.

DianeV Web Design Studio
7020 Cassiopeia Court
Sparks, Nevada 89436
775-384-1828 — Reno/Sparks, NV

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